Project Lockdown

On the announcement of lockdown, like many, we found ourselves in a position where we were unable to work. Needless to say, our pipeline of work evaporated, almost overnight; jobs were indefinitely ’put on hold’ or cancelled entirely. As a result, we found ourselves at home, on furlough, homeschooling. Murder. 

In an effort to keep us from going insane, we busied ourselves with DIY jobs around the house that had been on that never ending ‘to do’ list for some time. As 4 weeks turned into 8, ‘The List’, to our surprise had depleted and we found ourselves idle once again.  

What now we asked ourselves? As a family of two working parents and three kids, living in a pretty regular type of house, we understood only too well the every day challenges of ’WFH’ and homeschooling. As a professional organiser of space (i.e. interior designer), the ‘WFH’/homeschooling scenario did not sit well with me. I design spaces on a daily basis with a specific function in mind, I never at any point intended my kitchen to become a classroom and my husband to be setting up shop in the family living room.

It was around this time, whilst observing & reviewing our own circumstances; where almost overnight, work/school/home life became merged into one, we came up with an idea.

What did people need right now? What could an experienced interior designer and highly skilled joinery firm design & manufacture to provide people with a solution to this now common problem; where there is little to no separation between work and home?

This was when our idea, ’norm’ was conceived. ‘norm’ is an affordable, and practical solution to ‘WFH’ and blended learning, allegedly the new norm. To find out more visit We hope you are all keeping safe and sane.




Hurrah…we are open!


Ready steady…..